

      Welcome to

   The Rotary Club of Ware  




Alan Thomas







A different way to do Rotary

Ware Rotary Satellite Club meets on line on the last Monday of the month at 7.30pm (London time) and is know as Rotary for Slave Free Communities (R4SFC)

It is a ‘caused based’ group looking at ways to build individual and community resilience to combat modern slavery and human trafficking.








Photo by Safal Karki on Unsplash

It is estimated that there are 4 million modern day slaves today and modern day slaves and trafficked individuals are in every community in every country. It’s a world wide billion dollar industry – a problem in every community. Some working in bonded labour in brick yards in Asia, some as prostitutes in pop up brothels in towns and cities in the UK, some in garment manufacturing.










Photo by Hannah Morgan on Unsplash

Come and join us and become part of the solution by creating Slave Free Communities

Contact Club Secretary  - debbie@ragas.online for meeting details.

Projects to date –

Supporting safe houses for victims of modern slavery across the UK

Sharing ‘Signs of Modern Slavery’ in community hubs

Building a pathway for ‘Salve Free Communities’

Supporting Tools collection for Tools for Self-Reliance (tools are refurbished and shipped to communities so individuals have their own tools to farm, build, earn a living and avoid modern slavery and human trafficking)

Supporting bike collection for Re-Cycle (bikes go to Africa and enable children to get to school, where education is the key to getting out of poverty, into employment and avoiding modern slavery and human trafficking)







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Site produced by ©Ware Rotary 2018